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bulletin Board Friendster .....
Monday, April 23, 2007
1. pernah digombalin sama co/ce ga?
= sering....tapi d cuekin

2. iklan yang lagi kamu suka sekarang?
= shasha na NEZ KERENNNN

3. film yang lagi pengen ditonton apa?
= pilem ******

4. lagi kangen sama siapa sekarang?
= temen2 SMA yang udah pada jadi ORANG..

5. kalo seandainya kuliah kamu ada
kolam renang nya gimana?
= seneng la....biar tambah jago renang nya

6. hal yang ditunggu-tunggu?
= Selese KULIAHH gue udah bosen banget..

7. udah punya pacar belum?
= syutttt

8. kalo seandainya pacar kamu suka
main mata gimana?
= gue bales juga pake 2 mata sekaligus
sama maenin bibir...

9. kalo kamu divonis penyakit
= leukimia apa itu??

10. apa hal pertama yang kamu liat di
= ???

11. pernah suka ade kelas ga?
= yupp ce gue dulu ade'' kelass gue :P

12. pernah jadian sama kakak kelas?
= gakkKKKkkkkKKKKkkkkk

13. suka smsan sama mantan ga?
= mantan???mamtan gue dah kawin kali...
gue gak pernah urusin lagi...[jahat nya]

14. kalo cowo/cewe kamu ngajakin makan
malam romantis gimana?
= duh gmn ya.....makan nya di mn neh?

15. kalo cowo/cewe kamu miskin gimana?
= tergantung apa yg d gantung

16. lagi pengen ganti hape ga?
= huba huba huba huba

17.barang terakhir yang kamu beli?
= es krim depan kampus yang UUeenakK

18. kalo seandainya kamu dapet
beasiswa gimana?
= biasa aja kali

19. terakhir diet kapan?
= gak pernah ,..mau gemuk nih

20. kalo misalnya kamu dijodohin sama
cowo brewokan/cwe jorok gimana?
= hohohohohoho......gmn ya....

21. pernah jungkir balik ga?
= dulu *thinking*....udah lupa ding !! :P

22. kalo gebetan kamu playboy/girl
= coz bla bla bla bla bla..
makanya gue ga suka ce yg gitu...

23. pernah ke kuburan ga?
= pernah..tapi ga ngapa2in cuma liat2 doang

24. terakhir makan pizza?
= kapan yeee....pas sma di beliin temen
wuuoohh makan satu potong aja udah
kenyang bukan maen.,.sampe mau muntah

25. kalo seandainya pacar kamu
= diemin aja....pura2 gak tau trus gak
ada hbungan apa2 lagi [cuek mode = on]

26. pernah ditaksir adik kelas?
= wah wah ....[narsis]

27. berapa kali ditembak sama co/ce?
= ????

28. kalo sekolah kamu libur 3 bulan
= diem di rumah...sampe lupa yang
namanya nulis hurup alphabet

29. mantan terakhir kamu?
= ce cakep [soal na byk yg naksir sama
dia] gue tinggalin aja

30. pacar kamu sekarang?
= *************pipppppppiipppppp
posted by Coky Day blog's @ 3:19 PM   0 comments
internet LeMooTTTT
Thursday, April 19, 2007
4 bytes from icmp_seq=1482 ttl=64 time=0.293 ms
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hasil ping sementara
posted by Coky Day blog's @ 10:36 AM   0 comments
Hitomi shimatani
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

gue gak nyangka nih penyanyi dari INDONESIA !!!!
Name: Hitomi Shimatani
Date of birth: 4th September 1980
Star Sign: Virgo
Place of Birth: Jakarta, Indonesia and moved to Kure, The Hiroshima prefecture, Japan.
Family: Father, mother, older sister and two dogs Louis (beagle) and Moa (toy poodle).

....Hitomi Shimatani sejak kecil mempunyai kelebihan, dilahirkan dengan suara yang bagus. mempunyai vocal lunak, merdu
dan bisa membawa lagu dari low note ke high note tanpa menurunkan quality suaranya atau terdengar tarikan napasnya.
pada umur 9 tahun, Shimatani mengeluarkan single indonesian pertamanya yang bertitle " Ikan Lumba Lumbaku ",
yang merupakan single perdana yang terjual 30.000 co-pies.
merupakan sesuatu sukses yang besar untuknya, karena dia bisa membeli banyak candy dan juga Chocolate " Silver Queen "
yang menjadi kesukaannya.
2nd single, karena kesibukannya di sekolah,
single itu direlease satu setengah tahun kemudian, yang bertitle " Louis and Moa , guk,..guk..guk ".
sumber inspirasi dari lagu itu adalah dua ekor an-jing kesayangannya.
dan pada Umur 12 tahun dia merelease album pertamanya yang bertitle " Terima Kasih ".
yang menimbulkan sedikit controversial karena lyricnya.
salah satu dari kalimat di lyric lagu itu yang mengatakan " Terima kasih anda telah membajak CDku,...."
album itu terjual 50.000 co-pies, Plus 500.000 di Co-py ( bahasa kerennya di bjk ).

.....Pada umur 14 tahun, Shimatani bersama orangtuanya pindah ke Japan. dimana kemudian dia mendapat sukses besar.
2 tahun kemudian, pada saat dia berumur 16 tahun, masih SMA. Shimatani mengikuti " The Japan Audition 1997 ".
Kompetisi menyanyi seperti "Indonesian Idol", yang diikuti lebih dari 200.000 orang.
dari sekian banyak orang yang ikut, Shimatani berhasil menyisihkannya dan memasuki final round.
...Dan di final Hitomi Shimatani memberi pada penonton suatu performance yang luar biasa.
dengan suaranya yang merdu dan bening, dia menyanyi di atas panggung seperti seorang penyanyi profesional.
memukau para juri dan banyak mendapat pujian.
Bahkan seorang wartawan Japan, menulis dikolomnya dengan title dan hurup besar,
" an ordinary school girl from Hiroshima gave an extraordinary performance at a fateful audition in the Final".
Shimatani berhasil memenangkan kompetisi menyanyi itu, mendapat kontrak dari AvexTrax dan menjadi J-POP singer.

Tahun demi Tahun, single demi single direlease,
Dengan suaranya yang merdu dan bening, Shimatani berhasil memenangkan hati banyak orang pencinta music di Japan.
Hitomi Shimatani sekarang termasuk salah satu dari penyanyi di Jajaran Elite J-POP.
Dan juga dengan kecantikanya, yang mampu membuat jantung seseorang berhenti berdetak 5 detik ketika memandangnya.
Hitomi Shimatani juga termasuk dalam Katagory " One of the most beautiful woman in J-POP ".
Setiap tahun dia selalu mendapat Golden Invitation untuk muncul di NHK Kouhaku Utagasen, Best Artist, Best Hit Kayousai.
Yang dimana menunjukan kepopularitan and sukses dia di Japan.

For more information about her :
tentang Discographynya, download MP3 & PVs..see my thread : Hitomi Shimatani Thread

posted by Coky Day blog's @ 5:13 PM   0 comments
Saturday, April 14, 2007

Explanation of Credit Card Numbers

You've got this garbage, but you don't know exactly what kind of card it is or anything else. Well, to find out what kind of card it is here is a brief summary of the number of digits and the information you need to know to use the cc's properly.



Expiration date-look for something like 4/85

Usually has an Interbank number that is 4 digits long

Name of person



Expiration date - same form as above

Name of person

Visa Gold

Same as normal Visa but have 16 digits

American Express


Expiration date - these have beginning and ending expiration dates that you have to know like- 10/83-7/85

Name of person

American Express Gold


Expiration date - same as normal


Note-These cards have a 5000 dollars in them at least so look for them

American Express Platinum


Expiration date - same ???

Has a 1,000,000 dollar limit i think.


Ok, the part everybody's been waiting for. You have that stupid number in your hand but how do you use it? There are many ways to use the numbers and I'll go through as many as I can right here.

An important thing to remember is - Never use a CC # more that once. You can use the same cc at the same time, but don't use a cc # one month and then try to use it again the next. The best time to use a CC #'S is at the end of the month when the bills arrive. That means you have an entire month to use the card.

OK, now for the uses. There are two kinds of uses that you can u ze a CC for. Number one is "for yourself". You can use the CC to add to your computer, your home, or whatever else you want to add to. The other type of use is revenge. You can use the CC either to get back at the person who owns the CC, or get back at other people which will be explained further into the tutorial.

Mail order catalogs - Places that say that they will accept cc # orders are great places to order from. However, a quick inside tutorial is needed here. She is going to ask you for your phone number to check you out. There are two ways to get around this. Number 1 is to call from a pay fone in your town and wait until she calls back. Wait about 15 minutes, if she doesn't call back by then, she's not calling back. A note.. 50% of the time the lady will give the number to shipping to validate. The guy will then call you the next day. If you want to get around this tell the lady that you are calling from out of state and won't be at this number tomorrow. She'll probably fallfor it. An extremely good way of using a pay fone is to get the fone number of the CC owner forwarded to the phone booth. This can be a little difficult for the beginner CC'er Though.

The second way is to find a good loop in your state and call the other end and give her the first end. This is the best way there is. Remember though, if you tell her that you live in Conneticut, but the loop you give her is in Pennsylvania, and she notices, you will be in trouble. Continuing on this thought, you need an address to which to send your new found goods.

There are many different places to have the goods shipped to. Remember, don't send it to your house!! Not very intelligent. Because you're not going to send it to your house you must use a drop zone. A drop zone is a house thatnear one of your friend's house or your house. The perfect drop zone has nobody living in it, and is currently waiting for a buyer. Another perfect drop zone is a neighbor who's going away to some place like England for a 3 month vacation. The only problem with that is that the person might have their mailheld at the post office. However, U.P.S., which packages are sent through, often doesn't listen, and just sends the sucker anyway. I recently read that another good place to use as a drop zone is a friend's house. What you are then supposed to do is to have grab the package as soon as it arrives, and when and if the cops come, just say that you had no idea what they're talking about. I advise against this. They will probably continue to suspect you, andyour if your friend's parents come across the file before you or your friend do, you might have a little explaining to do. If you want to CC and you can't find a good drop zone, don't send it to a friends house, just send it to an old ladies home, who's too lazy togo out and get her mail. Just swing by the house every day and check and see if the package arrived.

Ok, so you have your drop zone, you have a fone number to give the "nice" lady, so now's the big moment. Give the place a call. Be sure to sound as cool and collected as possible. If you hesitate alot and worry, the lady will become suspicious. Sound a little bit annoyed at the lady, like you have better things to do, but be polite. Then just order what you want, she will ask for the name of the person, his CC #, his expiration date, and all the otherstuff I listed above. Don't be stupid and hesistate on the guys name. It does not assure the lady that you are really John Fredrickson or whoever. Remember, be catious with what you buy. It is possible to get 20 meg hard drives, but they usually will check you out more. If you want to get a joystick, but say, "what the hell, I might as well go for a hard drive too..", buy the hard drive with one card #, and the joystick with another. That way, you'll at least get the joystick.

Phone Sex Numbers - There are tons of these, phun fone sex numbers that you can get out of any porno magazine alive. If you need any of these just check in your newest porno magazine like velvetand they're listed there. If you are too young to get these magazine, still want to try this method, and can't find someone who can get them, I can give youa list of them that I got from a board somwhere.

Anyway, when you call up, talk in a deep voice (If you have a really high voice, have someone else do this) and act like your really desperate. The "nice" lady will then say something like "We have tons of hot girls just waiting here to serve you." You have to give most of these ladies a lot more information that the fone order places. She'll usually ask for a fone number, an address, andall kinds of other shit. Then she'll hang up, while she is checking your infoand then later call you back. A fun thing to do is to call this lady, and convince her to call a loop where you have about 15 kids on the line. As soon as she calls, have a little fun with this lady by saying things like..

"Do you do this for a living?"

"You're no good at this, I want my money back!!"

"Are you doing this because you love my mind?"

"Does your mother know you're doing this?"

Have everybody on the line scream "Whore!!!!!!!!!!!" or "Slut!!!!!"

Just sit there until she's finished, (she'll start screaming, "i'm coming, I'm coming!!", and then have everybody on the line go at the same time, "Aaaaaaaaaah!!!". It phreaks the lady out..

Another thing you can do is to have the lady call up a guy you really hate and watch through his window as he tries to explain to his wife why "Wonderful Wanda" just gave him a call and said he asked for some serious phone sex.

Computer Shows - A lot of Computer shows have telephone lines set up so they can demonstrate their modems. What you do then is to walk around until you find one of these places and say.

"Excuse me, my father is at work right now, but would like to buy that 1200 baud modem and two joysticks (more about the two joysticks later), but can't get down to the show. Can he call you and give you his credit card number. You can then call him back and check him out"

It usualy takes a while to find a sucker that will do this but when you do. Have one of your friends call the number while you stand and talk with the guy. Make sure your friend talks in a "fatherish" voice. Chat it up with this guy. When he asks for the number, give him the number of the pay fone. Your friend will then be called back upon which he will reply "Yep, I ordered it." Voila! You now have a 1200 baud modem and two joysticks.

Important things to consider about this last method, if you do get caught. Now I will explain why to get two joysticks, it doesn't have to be two joysticks, it can be two microchips, it doesn't matter. If you do get caught (it's never happened to anyone I know, but this is a pre-caution), tell the cops that you were doing this since this guy told you that he would give each of you a joystick with his credit card number if you would go in. Say that he had no cash and couldn't get into the show, and he left his credit card athome or something. Remember, creativity in this situation may save the cat, not kill it. Then, lead the cops outside and show them where you were supposed to meet this guy and give it to him. He, obviously, won't be there so you say,"Shit, he must have seen me with you and ran! I didn't know I was doing anythingwrong, he just wanted to get this modem really badly but didn't have his credit card with him or any cash" Act really stupid, because this really is a lame excuse.

If you find a really stupid looking salesmen, especially the foreign ones (they wouldn't believe that anything like this would ever happen) this method will work extremely well.

Destoying a person's credit - This is by far the easiest revenge method of credit carding. Just call up one of those "voice validation" or "credit card validation" numbers and type in the CC #of a person that you hate, and then keep typing in high amounts of money until all the money in his account has disappeared. Then when he goes to buy something, all the money on his Credit Card will have suddenly disappeared.

An important note to rodents in audience. do not use methods of revenge unless the person really deserves it. Do not clear out a person's credit card because he won't let you play in his yard remember sandza!!! he didn't deserve what he got.. so be smart, but have fun.

posted by Coky Day blog's @ 2:42 PM   0 comments
new Shut Box
Thursday, April 12, 2007
wah ......yg ini bener2 enteng bgt script na !!
posted by Coky Day blog's @ 2:35 PM   0 comments
sever oggix pindah???
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
waduhhh pantes aja shut box gue rada rusak gitu ....

ternyata dia na pindah server gitu
ck ck ck ck ck
masa gak dikasi tau gitu ya??
jadi kosong dehh
di isi aja kalo mau.........
posted by Coky Day blog's @ 12:37 PM   0 comments

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Name: Coky Day blog's
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